Thursday 21 March 2013

How My Research Has Impacted The Decisions I Have Made

My research has been very helpful with the development and decisions that I had made in the opening two minutes of the movie for the following reasons:

1) Audience Profiling
    I have done 5 different blogs on audience profiling with a similar genre and it helped me in a number of ways.Firstly it helped my group and I decide what age rating would be appropriate for our movie as similar films such as Hot Fuzz and Green Street had ratings of 15 and 18 but all the others also had a rating of 15. This helped us make the decision that our movie will be a 15 rated movie.
   Another thing that audience profiling has helped me with is to find what my target genre was going to be and the film that helped me the most with this is Green Street. This is because I believe that our movie would best resemble Green Street in the sense that there won't be any female characters. The majority gender that watched this movie was male so we knew that our target gender would be mainly male as we also wouldn't have a female character. If the movie were to be longer than the opening two minutes, we would probably have a female character but one wasn't really necessary for this opening scene as it will be an action scene.
   A final thing that I have identified from my audience profiling is that all classes would be interested in watching my movie which I was rather surprised about. I will use Green street as an example again. This is a movie that I personally won't associate wit the upper class but the upper class watched it as much as the middle and lower classes.

2) Opening 2 minute annotation.
   I have done about 7 blogs annotating the opening two minutes of other movies. It has helped me understand what should be included in the opening two minutes of a movie. For example Hot Fuzz would open via giving an introduction of the main character; Sergent Nicholas Angel played by Simon Pegg so this piece of research effectively helped me gain some ideas about my movie way back in September.
    Something else this has helped me with is to identify different camera angles, movements and mise-en-sine. From these opening two minutes, I could see different camera shots being used in practise and also films abiding to certain rules such as the 180 degree rule.

3) Film Certificate Research
   What I found from this is reassurance that my the certificate rating for my movie should be 15 as my movie would include moderate language but it does involve an action scene which includes a knife.

                   Hot Fuzz Movie Poster

4) Prelimination Task
     This was helpful to me mainly because of the experience of filming. Moreover it showed us who was a good actor and what shot types should be required and where.

5) The Storyboard

The storyboard and the production of the storyboard was very helpful in the making of our actual movie as it gave us an idea of what to do. In my evaluation, I will look into points of comparison between our storyboard and finished project.


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