Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation Activity 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

   What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the duration of this media protect  i have learnt a gargantuan amount of things with regards to technology and in this blog, I will go through it.

   Firstly, The use of blogger itself. This project alone has brought me almost 700 page views and thus is an easy way to share information to the rest of the world. Furthermore in the future, I can set up sights through blogger which I believe is a vital addition to my skills within technology. One thing that I'm not to fond about blogger is that it has American spell check which always keeps me guessing!!
   The second thing I have learnt is how to embed videos from youtube. This has already helped me in my other subject (Communication Studies) where you have to do a lot of presentations and I used my new skill rather than opening a new tab and wasting more time.

   I have also mastered the use of prezi and how to upload powerpoint presentations through slideshare. I managed to embed a YouTube clip onto prezi for communication studies thanks to this course and I have fully learnt how to use it now. I am sure that I will produce a presentation through prezi in the future.

  What else this project had helped me with from the technology point of view was how to fully utilise the camcorder. This occurred in both the preliminary task and actual two minutes. When we
first used the camcorder, it kept on there was a lot of shaking but thanks to a tripod and the anti-shake feature on our specialized camcorder, I  can now feel confidently and I know when and where to implement the correct settings on the camcorder.
                                Samsung HMX-F80 Flash Memory Camcorder (Black)
We used 2 laptops to satisfy our needs with the editing. As Mohamad and I mainly focused on the editine, we had one levono laptop where the majority of sound editing took place and a dell laptop where we had done the video editing. The reason we used the levono laptop for the sound is because it had a really fast processor in comparison to the dell laptop and we had to download three big sound programmes whereas we only used cyberlink powerdirector 11 for the filming. This helped me get to grips with the laptops but more importantly, the programs as well.

 what have I learned about how the film industry relies on technology and how this links with audience expectations of seeing a high quality product?
   I have learnt that the use of technology is relied upon heavily by film industries in this modern era. Here is a number of points that I have found about the use of technology in film industries:

1) The advancement of technology has helped certain films differentiate them to other competing films and a perfect example of this is Avatar. This is because it has used a revolutionary new type of filming known as motion capture. Although this has been out for a long time, film directors stated that it wasn't developed enoungh. James Cameron; the director of Avatar came up with the idea of this movie in 1994 but he said that technology wasn't advanced enough for the production of this movie which filming started in 2005. This shows that Technology is hugely relied upon for directors and film industries in order for thier ideas to be turned into finished articles.

2) The demands for a film to give you a feeling of escapism has been becomming more and more difficult for films to achieve as the expectations change constantly but the idea of escapism has always been there. The film industry uses a number of ways; some which are simple and others very difficult for them to differentiate themselves from other low-budget movies. An example of a simple way in which we had incorporated in our opening two minutes is the anti-shake feature on the camera. This is a small yet effective way to increase the level of realism of the movie thus contributing to the level of escapism that the fim industries wants you to feel.

 3) Another factor that has impacted both film institutions and the target audience is synergy and the introduction of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as youtube and other online media platforms. This also shows the development of technology and the change of expectations for the audience. Befor the use of these social media sites, the only way to get an information of a new movie was through trailers in the cinema but in the modern era, the vast majority of the audience expect the trailer to come to them and film industry can advertise on these social media sites to gain the attention of the audience and our expectations of how to gain information has also changed because of this and it has become much easier. I learnt this through the promotion of movies such as batman in my research and planning stage but every once in a while there are movies that go against this such as Somers Town which was a rather low budget movie. The use of Multi Media platforms has become huge for all film industries to advertise but they do still use trailers thus showing that previous ways in which to advertise has not been forgotten.

What have I learnt about the processes I was able to go through with this?
    The first bit of editing equipment i'm going to talk about is the cyberlink power director 11 software which we used to edit our movie. I realised that it was the most time consuming aspect of this entire project as we had to constantly render it as we made a chang. Plus the level of detail thatcould be edited in this programme where we needed to edit bits about 0.3 seconds long and then render it which shows the length of the editing stage.
    The next piece of editing equipment that we had used is for sound which I have already done an evaluation but here I will talk about the processes that I had learnt. For sound, we used three types of software; Traktor 2, Mix Meister 7 and mp3 direct cut. All three were very similar but traktor 2 was probably the toughest software to get to grips with but it showed the best results. We used it to add in bass where needed and also change the strings. Prior to this, I had never used a sound software programme but Mohamad did so he was showing me how to use it and my main focus was the strings and bass.

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