Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation 5- How did you address/attract your audience?

                           How did you address/attract your audience?

   One way in which we addressed our target audience is via the age of the actors as I had previously stated in Evaluation 1. The reason for this is that our primary target audience would be 15 and above so we used actors who were of a similar age. Our main character; Aran is 17 years old, Tom is 17 and I also am 17. This will help the audience relate to the movie more and also give the feeling of escapism. An example of a movie such as this is kidulthood where the majority of actos are between the 18-20 age range and the target audience would also be that age as well. Moreover other genre movies such as kids movies will adopt the same idea. A cartoon movie called Brave (2012) involved an 8 year old girl and Disney/ Pixar are obviously aiming that movie towards 8-year olds.
     Another way in which we addressed our target audience is through the use of sound along with the action scene itself. The sound will compliment the fast paced action scene and thus have the audiences heart racing which will ultimately get them fixated on the movie.
     The location itself was also helpful as we are appealing to an urban audience so the urban location will give the urban audience something to relate to.

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