Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation of sound - Evaluation 1

  I will now evaluate the use of sound in  our opening two minutes. Sound is split up in a number of ways in media studies:

    Firstly, we have Diegetic Sound  which is sound that the actors can hear as well as the audience. An example in our opening two minutes could be when Aran tells Tom to stay down in the alleyway.
    The opposite to this is Non Diegetic Sound which is audio that only the audience can hear and the actors won't be able to hear. Again using our film for an example; the audience can hear what is supposedly Toms heartbeats when he is running but I doubt that he can hear his own heartbeat so that is an example of non-diegetic sound.

One strength of our sound is that our music was used very effectively and helped dictate the pace of the video. An example of this is the next day when there is a fast paced tempo showing that Aran is in a rush or was in a rush because he just killed someone but it gradually slowed down showing the start of a new chapter.
   One weakness of the use of sound in our opening two minutes is that we didn't block background sound well enough and because of this, Arans dialogue was rather distorted. This applied especially in the next day when Aran was overlooking the M25 as his dialogue was blocked off by the cars on the motorway. This tells me that we were focusing too much on the music and not enough on the dialogue.
   Another strength of the use of our sound again was the production of our music. For this, I believe we have Mohamad to thank. This is because he knew what music he wanted and where. He worked extremely hard in order to get the correct sound and so he used three different sound applications to get what he thought would suit the specific areas of the film. These applications were Traktor 2, MP3 Direct Cut and Mix Meister Fusion 7.

Traktor 2
Mix Meister 7

MP3 Direct Cut

    Overall, I believe that the use of sound in our overall video was excellent and helped the movie make more sense. This was particularly thanks to the non-diegetic aspect and Mohamads Ideas. Despite this, I believe that the distortion of Arans voice was a huge shame but fortunately there was only three bits of dialogue within the whole opening two minutes so it didn't affect the video as much as it could have done.

Here are some screenshots of the sound editing:


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