Tuesday 26 March 2013

Evaluation Activity 2 - How does your media product represent particular social group?

How does your media product represent particular social group?      

This is the main character who is called Aran (the antagonist). I believe that he can be compared with Bruce Willis as they both don't speak much and are main characters. Moreover they both let their actions do the talking. This is identified with Aran because he only had to say three bits of dialogue throughout the whole movie.
   Their costume is also pretty similar as he normally just wears casual clothes which is similar to Aran to show their relevance to society. There is the odd movie where he does much formal roles such as RED (2010) where he is a retired lieutenant but at the beginning of the movie, he is dressed casually.
    Their role in the movie is also very similar in which they got to kill other people even if there is no justification and then they can just move on to the next target. This is shown in our film by that letter that Aran received with a picture of his next target which was actually me.


One way they both differ though is the genre which can be identified through the use of props. In all Bruce Willis movies, he tends to have a number of guns as weapons which is something that I have identified to be linked with Action or American Action movies. Whereas Arans main prop is a knife which is linked with the urban/action genre. This product is also used in similar films such as the ending of Kidulthood. A film that shows a lot of guns being used is the Die hard series where they went through an unfathomable amount of guns.

  Although they are similar movies and similar actors, the target audience may be different because Bruce Willis is a much older gentleman appealing to the older audiences whereas Aran is younger and attempts to appeal to the younger audience. In hindsight, maybe it wasn't a great idea to set Arans character around Bruce Willis but it was a risk worth taking as he is a well respected actor.

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