Sunday 24 March 2013

Film Evaluation- Storyboard

 In this post of my evaluation, I will look at our storyboard as opposed to the real filming and seed whether both are similar and whether our storyboard was successful.
   The first problem with the storyboard is that I was supposed to be the character who dies but we changed that to Tom who preferred filming so I had to do the editing.

This shot was very similar to the one we planned but the costume was different and the reason behind this shot was different but it was still at one persons point of view  The dialogue is very much similar but instead of footsteps, there are heartbeats.

We completely went against this description but but we still used the idea that the camera should be behind the actors shoulder.

This part of the storyboard is right where I die (which is replaced by Tom) and the title comes in.

   One strength of the storyboard was that it helped us gain a vague idea of what our movie was going to be about. This helped things to be easier at the filming stage Moreover it gave us a good idea of what film shots to implement. As we had a good foundation which was the storyboard, everything was a bit easier than it could have been.

   Despite this, our storyboard had a lot of flaws. The three picture comparisons above are the only thing you can compare between the storyboard and the actual film. This shows that a lot of things have changed since the production of the storyboard. Moreover the comparisons above are not 100% the same. For example the dialogue will be completely different when the actual shot may be similar.
   Another problem was obviously the fact that I was supposed to be the victim in the storyboard which wasn't the case when it came to filming.

   My conclusion is that although my storyboard was rather helpful when we were thinking of an idea, we didn't really follow it and we were filming through trial and error rather than looking at the storyboard. Moreover, the whole plot changed which would have affected the relevance of the storyboard as a whole. This is probably the main reason why the storyboard wasn't as useful as it could have been. Many things we had done was improvised on the day which in hindsight tells me a number of things; firstly, we were not too confident in the filming and secondly we still didn't have a sure idea of what we were going to do. Fortunately, we were quite pleased with the video but I believe that the storyboard didn't play a big part in this.

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