Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation Activity 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We always knew that our that our film certificate rating would be a 15 and somthing that supported this is the film questionnaire that we had produced. We found that all classes would watch this but it would be mainly male dominated and the age range would be from 15-40 so it is quite a wide audience. This would mean that we must include a number of aspects which would involve and attract these ages, especially when the female gender are least likely to watch this. I found all this information through my audience profilling research and I was suprised that a similar movie to ours; Green Street had all classes watching it as I predicted that it would be dominated by the lower or lower middle class.

What we've done to appeal to this audience?
Firstly, we used actors which have a similar age to our target audience. There will then be somthing in common. Secondly the languaged used in our opening two minutes are associated with our genre and so if this helpedgreen street gain a wide class audience, it should do with ours. Moreover, we decided to have a full blown opening action scene which would give the audience of all ages that feeling of escapism.
  The use of sound is another way we have tried to appeal to the audience as we used underground, urban music which I believe not only matches the scene but the genre as a whole. Doing my research and seeing how successfull movies such as Kidulthood, Adulthood and Green Street were with all classes and the use of sound in all three was urban underground or grime music.
   Another thing that we have done to appeal to the audience is the use of costume. As it is casualwear it doesn't appeal to any one specific audiece but can appeal to all three types of my typical audience as shown below. Aran was wearing all black which connotes many thingwhich differ between my typical audience which means that it will involve everyone.


My Typical Audience:
Here is my first typical audience members. These people may not be in employment and the reason they will be intrested with our film is possibly because they may be able to relate with the realism that our genre offers. They Will be living in council estates where the scene will be similar to ours. More importantly, they will all be British because we have english actors and again this means that they can relate to our main character or even the victims.

This next image is of a group who are in thei mid 20's and above. Most of them will be in their full time employment and must be intrested in the urban/ action genre. This again meens that they should prefrebly be British as it will mean more but if they are foreign, the leve of escapism isn't going to change.  Moreover these people are of the upper or upper middle class backround.

MY final typical audience members are students; especially college and university students who will have time on their hands. Moreover they will be on a budget so they will most likely watch a movie. These people may be in part time employment and again must have an intrest in urban action movies. They can be of all classes.

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