Saturday 23 March 2013

Film Tiltle and Font Evaluation Activity 1

     After a long time of thinking, we have finally thought of a name. We have already finished the filming and almost finished the editing so we were running out of time but we have decided to call it the pursuer. It was me who thought of the pursuit but that had already been taken and then Mohamad said the pursuer which we all believe goes hand in hand with the story line. Aran's character is very much like a pursuer in the opening two minutes which shows a picture of his next target with a money reward which is actually me. At first I thought that having the word "the" in a title of a movie may not be the best idea but the pursuer is perfect for our movie so I'm not too worried.
    Although I have done a blog on font; I done it at a time where we didn't know the title and so it was very difficult to decide what font we were going to use but we have decided to use a bold tahoma style with a chrome finish which shows that this person is going to kill people but is professional in the way he does his business.

Here is a screenshot of our title with the bold font titled The Pursuer.
This was the final chosen font of our movie but below are some of the examples we were contemplating:


  We chose a rather plain title so that the transition would be much easier and effective to the next day whereas the fonts above are too dramatic for us even though the one in the top may have looked the best.                        

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