Thursday 7 March 2013

Costume research


In our opening two minutes, we really only have two characters; Tom and Aran. Tom is the victim and there is Aran who is the assassin. That being said we had to find something that denotes assassin qualities as well as something that a victim will wear. I played a big part in this area as well as make-up and fortunately Aran and Tom both had the clothes i had visioned them wearing. 

    Identifying costume for Tom was quite simple.What I thought would be good for tom is casual clothes to make the audience feel as if  he wasn't expecting what was going to happened and so I want him to wear a jumper, dark-blue jeans and trainers. Something like this would be good:


     Finding the right costume for Tom was much more difficult but then I thought that an assasin is denothes as doing his job quietly and then though of the dark which then lead me to the colour black which is when I decided that Aran should wear a Black Coat, Black Scarf, Clack Shoes and Black trousers which will hopefully look like a uniform. 


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