Sunday 4 November 2012

21 jump street

21 Jump Street is a comedy movie with a sub-genre of action. The two main characters are Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. 

The movie begins with some non-diegetic music which (Eminem) with the camera slowly zooming towards the bus where a Jonah Hill exits the bus and the camera zooms into him and avoids the others coming off the bus. This suggests that he has a lot of prevalence and thus the movie will somehow be based around him.
The singer in the background is Eminem. This also gives a indication that Jonah is getting the most prevalence via using up the camera time is the main character  The reason I think this is because he looks just like Eminem.
    For almost one full minute, Jonah Hill who came off the bus occupied the majority of space on the camera. This again assumes that he has more prevalence and so he is the main character in the movie.
    His Clothing suggests that he is a teenager as he is wearing a backpack and also as it is set in a school. This also tells me that the target audience will be for teenagers. Moreover the film cuts into a shot of a poster which has the word "prom" on it in big letters. This suggests that the movie will be again aimed for teenagers.
    Jonah Hill is presented as a geek. Some of the ways that 21 Jump Street have tried to portray Jonah Hill as a geek are:

  1. Plain Clothes- He is not wearing anything that really stands out or similar to the majority.
  2. No friends- throughout the two minutes, Jonah isn't around any friends whereas the other main character is around friends and so is shown to be popular  Furthermore, I believe that 21 Jump Street also try to show this by how the characters are wearing their bags. Everyone in the scene are wearing one strap whereas Jonah is wearing both straps which tells me a few things. Firstly, it shows that he differs from the majority and again suggests he's a geek, secondly it shows his status in university. Wearing "two straps" as opposed to one and this tells me that he is not influential popular.
    There is a lot of panning and zooming in on the main characters. The best example is when they are coming off the bus and the camera avoids all the other people effectively and then focuses on the main character. This is done by zooming in on him. Moreover as Jonah is speaking to the girl about the prom, there is a shot, reverse shot used. This is an effective way to film a conversation as long as you abide by the 180 degree rule.
   What i think I've learnt from this is when different shots will be most effective. For instance when filming a conversation, i will do a shot reverse shot action. Moreover this movie has taught me how important stereotypes are because it helps identify the type of character they are.


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