Friday 26 October 2012

R&P Rush hour

Rush hour is classed as a comedy movie with a sub topic of action and the opening two minutes consist of:

The movie starts with some non diagetic music which it the rush hour theme tune. As Rush hour is a series of movies, the theme tune is important because it will make people associate the theme tune with the movie and so it may help with the success of the other rush hour movies. The sound used is a type of oriental music which makes you assume that there is some sort of Chinese influence in this movie.

The Movie starts with a extreme long shot of the scene and also because of the background theme tune which compliments the shot very well, the audience gain a understanding that they are currently watching a film that starts in china.
     There are a number of fast cuts focusing on the bunkers. This tells me that there must be a lot of bunkers and also that the contents of the bunkers will play some part in the story line. 
     It is quite difficult to identify the key characters in the opening two minutes but one indication is a blonde individual whose smoking. This gives an indication that he is different to the others and so looks as if he has more prevalence  Moreover in movies, the "good guy" doesn't really ever smoke so this suggests that he is a bad character. A final reason why i believe that he is a fairly important character is because almost all shots were either extreme long shots excluding the close up shots of the bunkers whereas the guy who was smoking was seen in a medium shot again suggesting that he has more prevalence than the other individuals in  the piece of text. 
    The comedy genre (which is the main genre) is not really shown in the opening two minutes but the sub genre of action is more important. This is shown by the fast paced cuts and the gun that Jackie Chan was holding. The lighting is natural and set in the night. The night tends to denote danger and supplements the fast pace of the movie to show the action side.
    The mood seems very bleak and i believe that the lighting contributes to this as it helps suggest that something is happening that is not good. 


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