Monday 26 November 2012

Shaun of the dead- Audience Profiling

                                                             Shaun Of The Dead
Released: 9th April 2004
Genre: Horror
Price: D
Estimated box office:£1,500,000
Director:Edgar Wright
Film cast:Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kate Ashfield, Dylan Moran
The Story: Shaun (Simon Pegg) has just been dumped, his best mate is a freeloading waster who is causing problems at home and his job is the deadest of dead ends. No wonder he hasn't noticed that zombies are trudging through the streets of London, ready to chow down on the flesh of the living. When the scales fall from his eyes, Shaun must prove himself by saving his ex and his mum from the legions of hell -- before tea time. Edgar Wright helms the bloody spoof.








               45+    5%

         What this tells me about making my movie.
The reason I chose this movie was mainly because it has an urban setting and although it's horror, it also includes aspects of comedy and action and it helps me understand and identify a typical urban-action type scene and I will be a step closer in finding what sort of action scene i should include in my opening two minutes.
   One of the most important things i found from the statistics of the movie was that all classes watch it equally with a slight advantage to the upper/middle class. This again shows that all classes would like and watch an urban action movie. Moreover it really helps me understand that the urban-action film genre is very niche as i'm looking at the audience profiling of what is essentially a horror movie but it's the closest I have to a movie like mine.
   Another thing I have identified was that the age certificate for a movie like this and how it supports my other audience profiling analysis in which it states that a movie like this will be suitable for ages 15 and over.

 What are we going to do to appeal to this group?
As I was saying earlier, the reason I chose this movie was because of its urban location. In order to appeal to this group, I must have a very urban location which will make people think that this movie was filmed in England. This will not only bring the British audience in but also the upper/middle class.

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