Tuesday 13 November 2012

Moonboard R&D

 Here is my moonboard

Why I chose these pictures for my moon board:
1) I got a picture of a British council estate because our movie will be set in a similar area. Moreover the fact that our film will be a British film, it’s vital that I get the characters right and where they live. The most important reason of why I chose this picture is because it shows three men together suggesting that they are allies. I am trying to show the same thing in my movie as my main character will be involved in a gang that he can trust with his life.
2) My second picture is a knife to show that my film is an action film. Moreover it denotes violence which there will be a lot of in my film as it’s an action.
3) My third picture is a picture of a gang as my movie will have a gang in it which the main character is part of. My main character is not the leader of the gang but a member which suggests that the leader needs people and he will always be around his gang whereas the main character will use the majority of the camera space suggesting he has more prevalence. The gang also has a picture of a gun in it again showing violence and reinforces the stereotype that gangs are violent.
4) My fourth picture is a picture of money. I chose this because it shows the main motive of my movie. It tries to justify the violence and murder that will occur in the movie. The reason I chose lots of £50 as opposed to other types of notes is because it shows that there will be a lot of money at stake.
5) My fifth picture is a picture of a gun. The reason for this is because it emphasises the idea of violence and death. I chose a gun for the similar reason of choosing a knife but because I don’t quite know what qualities my main character will possess, I’m still not sure what weapon he will have. Furthermore I believe that although both weapons do the same job, people will have different opinions about them.
6) My sixth picture is handcuffs. The reason for this is to show what enemies my main character must overcome. This tells others how my main character will be perceived in the movie as a “bad guy” because the police will be after him.
7) My seventh picture is a fight between two individuals supposedly outside a council estate to re in force the stereotype of people living in a council estate and the working class which is aggressive and rude. This is why I’ve got a picture of two of them fighting.
8) My eighth picture consists of a full tracksuit outfit. I chose this because it may be what my main character is going to wear and again stereotype what sort of clothes the working class wears.
9) My ninth picture is an example of a phone that is not very expensive which may be used by an old person or a working class individual. This is the type of phone my main character will have because it will indicate status within the group. The better the phone, the higher the status.
10) My tenth picture is a Burberry wallet. The reason I chose this is because chavs are associated with fake Burberry and so I thought I can bring in this association with my character via giving him a fake Burberry wallet.
11) Again, my eleventh picture is also a council estate because I believe it’s vital we get the scene right in order for the audience to understand where it’s set and thus will understand the stereotypes put in place with the characters.
12) My final image is a picture of a watch. Watches also suggest status. My main character will be wearing a watch and so it will show that he is rather respected among the lower class. The leader of the gang will have the best watch because he is most important.  

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