Wednesday 28 November 2012

Film Certificate - 12/12A

The certificate 12/12A is suitable for 12 years and over.

What is 12A?
    12A is for cinema use only and states that this movie is for 12 years and over or can be watched if accompanied by an adult. This is because there may be some material that may not be deemed even for 12 year old's but this may not apply to all 12 year old's and so there is a rating of 12A which is a bit more lenient.  

Discriminatory language or behaviour must be kept to a minimum if any. There are also moderate sex scenes, soft drugs and some references to aggression and violence. The use of horror should also be moderate. The soft drugs can be shown in 12A certificate movies but may not be glamorized or educational. 
    Sex and nudity is bot allowed but still rather limited in the sense that too much nudity are prohibited along with what is included in the sex scene.  

Movies that have the 12A certificate:

The hunger games is a brilliant example of a 12A movie because it includes all aspects  of discriminatory language and behaviour as well as some scenes that may be deemed as inappropriate for a 12 year old but that is why adults can approve it as it's very difficult to identify the correct age for this movie.
The reason I wont choose a 12A certificate for my movie is because it may still limit me to what I can include. Moreover as most of the audience profiling i have done on urban-action movies, I know that a 12A certificate is too low for the type of movie i want to make.

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