Tuesday 13 November 2012

Audience Profiling- Green Street

Green Street

Green Street
Released: 9th September 2005
Genre: Drama
Price: C
Estimated box office: not specified
Director:Lexi Alexander
Film cast:Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam, Claire Forlani, Marc Warren
The Story: Elijah Wood continues to move away from his Lord of the Rings characterization in this tale of modern-day football hooliganism. He plays Matt, a student at Harvard who takes the fall when his room-mate's drug habit is discovered. He visits his sister in England and is drawn into the ultra-violent world of the football hooligan.










What this tells me about the making of my movie.
Although this doesn't really have any action in the movie, it is a really good example of an urban film and so we can identify how British urban people are shown in movies. The gender that watches this movie the most is males and I believe this is because the theme surrounding it is football and hooligans which shows to be more popular among the male population.
    A really good thing that i can take from this movie is that the class that watch it are very split up. This tells me that all age groups will be interested in my idea of an urban action film. I am rather surprised that the upper/middle class watched this movie more than the lower/middle class. This movie is based around working class characters so my general assumption would be that it is for a working class audience so it tells me that these types of movies have a very wide "class" audience.
One thing I must think on though is the theme of my film as it shows what sort of genre will watch it. If i go for a football related film, then i expect to aim it at males of all classes of course above the age of 18 as my target audience will be for the 15-34 year olds.
The way it attracted the male audience was through the fights and language used in the movie. As many males go to watch football matches they can identify some chants, and also see some fight break out so they also may be able to relate to the film.
    Moreover the fact that this movie has an American actor, it may also attract the American audience which i believe i can do in my movie; include a character from a different ethnic backround so it will bring a wider audience.

                 What Are we doing to appeal to this group?
One thing we are doing is having young actors as well which will help gain the interest of the younger audience. Moreover, we are also going to show strong violence in our opening two minutes as there will be a fight scene and a death almost instantly which will appeal to this audience as i believe that the sub-genre for this movie is action. Furthermore we have been looking closely at what the characters were wearing and what class they are. It is rather easy to see that the main character is from a working class background and likes wearing all black thus we will have our main character wearing all black in our scene because this movie tells me that having a working class character(s) attracts all types of audience including the upper class.

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