Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hunger games R&P Adventure

The hunger games is an adventure movie with a very interesting opening two minutes. The main characters are Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth.
The Hunger Games Poster  

The opening 1/2 a minute consists of text and non-diegetic music but it has no verbal speech wich shows that this movie has a slow tempo to it. The text given in the first 30 seconds excluding the inter titles gives a brief overview of the history of the hunger games which is followed by a character who is in the middle of an interview and the camera uses a very productive over the shoulder shot during the interview but you could tell that both characters will play some part in the movie as they were both sharing the camera. You could also identify the character on the right as a bad character through his appearence as his beard is shaped in such a way that it doesnt send a good vibe and the fact that he is trying to justify the hinger games when the opening piece of text would suggest that the hunger games are unethical.
 A effective effect used when presenting the text is the slow zooming in. Moreover the backround is black so it really emphasises the text and the music in the backround also indicates that this text is going to be negative as opposed to somthing positive about the hunger games. This is supported when there is a sudden cut and scream followed by crying after the interview.
   This is a a great movie because it shows me how to build tension in a movie and as my movie is going to have a fight in the opening scene and this movie gives me an idea on how to build that tension before the fight. As the hunger games had someone screaming which would have caught the attentioon on the audience, I will have the sound of a punch. 

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