Friday 16 November 2012

Safe House R&D Action

The film i will now be analyzing is safe house. This genre movie is action and the main characters are Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.
    The first thing i noticed when i was watching the opening two minutes was the natural lighting. At the beginning when the camera was looking at Ryan to identify he was the main character, the background was very dark and this helps the audience focus on the main character but more importantly it suggests that this character is facing a struggle and the audience may make the assumption that he is a middle/lower class individual.
    The genre of action gets introduced straight away when the picture is rater distorted but you can make out that a person is boxing. As it's not much action really involved, the non diegetic sound and the distorted image makes it feel much more like an action scene than it really is. This shows how effects can change peoples perceptions of the event.
    There is a extreme long shot near the beginning where it shows a extreme long shot of where Ryan currently is and it looks like a lovely  place where the sun is shining down. Again it supports the idea that this character is facing a struggle. Towards the end of the boxing scene, there are faster cuts which suggest that he was getting more intense as he was going along.
    As Ryan Reynolds is boxing at the beginning, it shows him to be strong and very masculine  The lighting alongside the fast pace of the boxing tells me that he has some troubles or some sort of burden on his shoulders.
    The music really helps set the mood. The soundtrack really puts you on edge alongside the fast pace of the boxing. Moreover the posture of Ryan Reynolds isn't really great throughout the opening two minutes. Furthermore when he is talking to his girlfriend, the camera keeps on cutting from one scene to another. This helps the audience identify that he's lying to his girlfriend as he says he has meetings all morning when in actual fact, he is going to a safe house.
    I believe the use of cuts from scene to scene is done very effectively and is very useful when you are talking about the future. A great example of this is both of the Sherlock Holmes movies where he plans how he will defeat his opponent and then does it.

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