Thursday 6 December 2012

quesstionnaire of my movie planning.

I will be looking at what sort of questions I should ask my target audience and why. It is pivotal that I ask the right questions in order to gain an indication of whether the Urban-Action film idea will be popular  I intend on asking a number of questions; some will be qualitative and others quantitative. The reason for this is because it will not only help me analyze data but also take peoples individual thoughts into account. A problem I have already identified is how am i going to record all the qualitative data but I understand that I must go through them individually.

Action Questionnaire (Questions & Results)

(Please Circle Your Answers)

1) What is your Gender?


2) Age

Under 12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25+

3) Do you like going to the cinema often?

Yes No

4) Do you like going to the cinema?

Yes No

5) What is your favourite genre?


6) What do you expect from a Urban/Action? (Multiple Choice)

Crime          Comedy         Death        Fast Pace 
Car Chases          Fights          Other

7) Do you watch Action films? (If yes please state the latest Action film that you have watched)

Yes No


8) What Action sub-genre do you prefer to watch?

Political   Conspiracy   Physiological     Disaster

Action       Crime      Sub-Natural      Spy      Other

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