Thursday 13 December 2012

Analysis of movie similar to my genre- Hot Fuzz.

Analysis of movie similar to my Genre- Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz
I chose Hot Fuzz as a movie that is similar to mine as it's set in an urban setting and has some action clips within it.

 The movie starts with the "Universal" film production inter title followed by a black screen with non diegetic sound of police sirens suggesting that this movie will have a Sub Genre of crime which is re-enforced by seeing the police officers badge.

    We start with an long shot and a character walking towards you which really catches your eye. As he is the only one moving, people will focus on him and thus identify the he is the main character. The opening two minutes consists of many fast cuts which show the transition between scenes and his different attributes and successes.
     The way the camera cuts from scenes are particularly interesting. One of them being when he clicks the pen and the camera zooms in on it at which point the camera cuts to him winning an award. Throughout the 2 minutes, the camera is always fixated on Simon Pegg.



The reason this movie is similar to mine is because it's an action movie and is located in a small town with English actors which my movie will also have. What I can take from this movie is the effective transitions between different scenes and where specialist transitions such as zooming is most effective.

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