Wednesday 12 December 2012

Film production company research- Universal

Universal pictures was founded in 1912 and is one of the oldest movie studios in the United states. Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles BaumannAdam KesselPat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, and its headquarters is in universal city in Orlando.

Universal has made its fair share of famous movies, some of these being:

  • Bridesmaides
  • Fast and Furious 5
  • Tower Heist
  • Paul 
  • Bruno
As you can see, Universal pictures does movies that relate to mine. For example, the cast of Paul consists of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Both are English actors and we'll be having an English based theme. Fast 5 has some incredible action scenes and tower heist also has some action scenes as well. 

This was the universal 100th anniversary for universal which was this year (2012)

Bridesmaids Poster     

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