Tuesday 11 December 2012

Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

 What decisions had the questionnaire helped me make
 It has been two months since I had evaluated my questionnaire and now I will look at how this had helped me when making my decisions.
   One thing I had identified for this questionnaire is that the sub genre preferred by my sample was crime so we tried to put this in discreetly but as it was only the opening two minutes, we did'nt really want to put a detective in straight away but I believe that the death of one of the characters would help people see this.
   A problem with this was that I was finding it difficult to show our Sub-Genre but I hope that the death would be able to show this.
    Another thing I have found is that almost all my sample like going to the cinema and thus I ensured that we should make it like a movie fit for a cinema with that feeling of escapism.

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