Thursday 6 December 2012

Location of my movie Extended

The Location of my Movie

6th October 2012

Desperate: Therfield School could sell off its old playing fields to developers

The Location of my Movie will be set in Therfield school. This is because it is a easily accessible location to film at and moreover it will compliment the genre of my movie. More specifically, it will be set in the English corridor of the school and the field as well. This again will shun out the genre of the movie as an empty, deserted place.

6th December 2012
After two months and a better idea of what my movie is going to be about, we have decided not to use the school as a location but we require an alleyway and below are a few of them.

We have been sampling a few locations, at the appropriate times, by appropriate times, I mean evening times because it suits our setting for the film assignment. The darkness in the sky immediately gives extra mystery and anticipastion as to what is going to happen. Another key element is the openness, this will help the audience see everything and the lighting adds to the 'fear' factor of the clip.

     This is an update on our previous post. We firstly decided that we would set it primarily in the school but then decided that it will be more effective in an alleyway. We will still film in the school for the bosses office but the school won't play as big of a part as we first imagined.

We have found a further location that will be perfect for our movie.








As you can see from this, the lighting is more detailed and more specified thus all lighting will be natural. This alleyway looks better than the first one and the graffiti emphasizes that it is quite a rough and urban area. This pathway is called Waterfields and another reason why it's really good is because on one side there is a dark wall and on the other side is a white wall. The white wall will be good because there will be blood in our movie and it can really be seen clearly on this wall.


After further research into location, we have found more research for our second alley way location. This alleyway is located in Kingscroft Road.


We will get lighting through the lamposts which will hopefully light up the whole alleyway.

Here is the entrance to the alleyway.
 More lampost to ensure that we get enough lighting.

A deralict house at the top of the alley way which we may use.

The alley way from the corner leading to the deraclict house at the end on the left

The garden of the deralict house

Graffiti on the walls of the alley way linking in with the theme of gang related Crime

The alley way from the corner looking back down towards Kingscroft Road

The front garden/driveway area of the deralict house which also can be used.

The reason this is a good location is because it offers an additional location after the alleyway and thus we will have more room for filming but I'm still a bit worried about the lighting and so we have the secondary location. We may even use both alleyways.

After a lot of thought, my group and I have decided that location 2 will be the best for us. The reacon being is because the natural lighting in that alleyway at night is much better than the other two locations. Moreover, I believe that the fact that it has two different coloured walls tells me that this location has a lot of potential and if we are to use blood, it will be most dramatical in this location as opposed to the other two.

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