Wednesday 19 December 2012

Camera Movements

Camera Movements

Camera Movements are an essential way in telling the story. Different camera movements help show a wider range of text .

Pan Shot
The first camera movement I will be looking at is the pan shot. This shows whats left or right of the screen and it helps reveal the setting which also give the audience an indication of what class the characters may be.


Tilt Shot
Below is the tilt shot and it shows whats up and down of the screen and is most effective whe climbing somthing, facing a task or possibly even a flashback.


Track/ Dolly shot
My next shot is trach/Dolly shot. This is when the camera moves around the subject. This helps in movies when showing two sides of the subject or a sudden change in personality.  We can use this shot movement to show how the main character (Aran) wantsa change in lifestyle.


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