Tuesday 16 October 2012

Rocky balboa- intro analysis


The film i will be analyzing is Rocky Balboa which is a an action/sports genre. The movie begins with non-diagetic sound which is the famous Rocky theme tune and as this movie has a sequel, people will react more to the theme tune because it is well known to Rocky.
    The first minute is in black and white, this shows the history of Rocky and it shows some clips of Rocky's past. Again this shows that he's old and gives us an indication that he's well past his peak.
    Then we come to a fight in which we experience our first bit of diagetic sound from the commentator. Moreover one of the boxers is gaining more prevalence through screen time and what the commentator is saying for example "he's won again!" This Indicates that he is the best in the world and so may be Rocky's next opponent. Again the fight is shown in black and white to tell the audience not to forget that Rocky is old. old. There is some gloomy non-diagetic music alongside some boos from the crowd which make you feel that the individual rocky's going to fight is a bad character and this is when we really understand the story line where bad boxer fights the fan favorite in Rocky. Throughout the fight, there are a lot of cuts which show the fast pace of the fight and help the audience really understand how good and aggressive this fighter that Rocky will fight actually is. There are a number of shots used during the fight but directly after the fight, Dixon; the bad guy got a close up and in my opinion, during the first two minutes I believe that Dixon looked like the main character. Despite this, people won't forget about Rocky because of the theme tune and the way it's viewed in black and white. The final piece of dialect in the 2 minute clip hypes up Dixon which tries to get the audience to understand how dangerous Dixon actually is and how big Rock's task actually is. The transition between black and white to coloured also tells a story of its own. As soon as Dixon wins, the picture changes and as it turns to coloured picture, you tend to forget about Rocky and the majority of attention is focused on Dixon.    

   The genre is introduces straight away in this movie as the opening scene is a fight. This shows both genres of sport and action and thus we get to identify the genre straight away.
   In the opening two minutes, Dixon is shown as a bad character through the boos of the crowd and the comments from the commentators. Moreover Dixon is a difficult character to identify because the reason he is a bad character is because he is too good at boxing.


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