Friday 12 October 2012

Preliminary Task- Diary


The aim of our preliminary task was to get to grips with the idea of filming and putting the new shot types into practice.  

What we had to include in our preliminary task was somebody opening the door via a match on action shot and then we will have to have a short conversation.

The Shot Types We Used:

During our Preliminary task, we practiced a variety of shot types and it helped me understand what shots are suitable and where. Some shots we used were:
 high angle shot- When you look down at the character.
 Low angled shot- When you look up at the character.
 We also done a 180 degree angle shot which ensured the viewers won't get confused.
 We also done an over the shoulder shot.this showed that we were staring at each other in a   hate full manner.

Where we chose to film:
      We chose to film in the in the English corridor and also used a different classroom. This then proved not to be the best decision as this room was always busy with either classes or meetings. This prolonged the filming and thus gave us less time to edit our film. We thought this room would have been a good decision because it wouldn't be noisy so the dialogue would be clear but in hindsight we found it quite difficult to film. Despite this, it helped build the scene as people would understand that the students had a free. Mo wearing his headphones gave us a subtle indication of this. 

What we had to do first is put a script together for the short conversation at the end of the video. The part I played was right at the start of the scene when Matt and I bumped shoulders to make it clear to see we didn't like each other. Although we didn't really have a script at the time, this  scene gave us a vague idea on what our conversation will be based on. This made our writing for the conversation much easier and i believe the conversation came more natural to us instead of us needing to think about it.

  We just completed the corridor scene in which Matt was coming from one direction and i was coming from the other. We met at the middle and clattered shoulders. This will help the audience understand that we are not friends and that was my main input in the video. 
     In this scene, we also squared up to each other which gave the perfect opportunity to deliver the over the shoulder shot in which we had to ensure that we don't cross the 180 degree line otherwise it would confuse the audience and it will seem that we were looking at each other from different directions. 
    After the shoulder clashing, Matt then went to open the door where we done the match-on-action shot in which we saw him open the door and then come through on the other side. This was a required shot in the preliminary task.
   Its been a few days since we've been filming as our classroom hasn't been free but we have finally finished filming in which we included the short conversation between Matt, Mohammed and Aaron. We used both the high and low angle shot when Matt was walking towards the others. Matt started the conversation by shouting which i thought may catch the viewers attention. 

   One other thing we focused on was shunning out the main character who was Matt. We done this by giving him the most camera time so people won't forget him and so they understand that he is the main character. 


Problems we faced:
We've been having a lot of trouble filming as the room was not free. This means we have to film after school in order to finish the filming. We've done some filming in which we put the 180 degree angle shot and completed filming in the corridor. We also done the action match action shot where Matt opened the door and then we saw him on the other side. This just means we have got a lot of editing to do because we were practicing with a variety of shot angles so we now have got to see which angle is the best and also use a variety of angles as well.

After school:
We have just finished filming the scene where Matt, Mo and Aaron had there conversation

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