Tuesday 16 October 2012

Preliminary task evaluation

Our preliminary task had to be about two minutes long and we must have included a match on action shot when opening the door and small conversation. The aim of this was to get to grips with different camera shot types and angles.

What we done well:
I believe that we had a good understanding on what shot types we should use such as the over the shoulder shot when Matt and I were face to face. Another thing I believe we had done well was our editing where we had to take a number of shots and put them all together. I believe it looks like one straight shoot in which there were no stopping which makes me believe that our editing was done well. Moreover i think that we had a clear idea in what our idea for our preliminary task was going to be despite it taking a little bit of time. As soon as we started shooting, the idea for the video just came naturally to us. Also we gave Matt the most camera time and so he received more prevalence.

What we didn't do as well:
One thing i think we could have done better was time management as filming took quite a long time as the classroom was busy when we wanted to film it. Another thing we could have done better was to show more of a hatred between Matt and I. This is because I needed to be seen as a bad character but i could have done more such as actually spoke to him when we were face to face.
   One big error we made was going against the 180 degree rule where Mohammed looked as if he was actually sitting in two different places.

   Overall I believe we done fairly good in our preliminary task as we all worked hard on different aspects and put them together rather well. We came across quite a few problems whilst filming but we overcame them and managed to finish filming. We could have improved our time management by finishing filming earlier but as we didn't have a room, we were still being productive by editing the bits we had filmed and comparing angles as we filmed some scenes a number of times at different angles to find the most suitable  To conclude, I believe our preliminary task was a success. The biggest problem for us was when we went against the 180 degree rule and this tells me how such a small factor can make people confused.

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