Tuesday 27 November 2012

Film Certificates- U

U = Universal
Universal = Suitable for all ages.

A U film is a movie that is essentially aimed for ages four and over. The reason that there aren't many U certificate films is because it is really difficult to identify what will be deemed suitable for four year old's. 
As this has aimed for the lower age of the spectrum, it is bound to have the most restrictions. These are:
  1. The use of language must be very closely inspected as these types of movies are aimed for four year old's.
  2. No sexual activity and kissing will be at a minimum. Possibly the odd kiss on the cheek.
  3. No horror or violence permitted. in these certificate movies because it could possibly affect them in future life.
  4. No references to drugs or alcohol.
   Despite all of these restrictions, there are still a wide range of movies with this type of certificate. U rated films don't necessarily have to be for kids but they are just films that don't contain any of the restrictions above.  

   Is this suitable for my movie?:
I believe my Movie won't be acceptable for the U certificate as my movie does have some of the restrictions the this certificate has.

Some U rated movies:


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